Saturday, May 30, 2015

In The Woods

Hello, my name is Nick Garfield, and something just changed my life. My friend, Henry Cobblepot, is a giant, killing, laughing freak. He was mutated into a goblin by a radiation plant meltdown. When he left S.T.A.R. Labs to work at the plant, I knew it was bad news. I hate it when I'm right.

I am a fifteen year old college graduate. I work at S.T.A.R. labs and got a little nosy one day. Meaning, I accidentally discovered  my best friend covered in a radioactive acid from space. When the ooze flowed off him it revealed bedraggled green hair, bulging red eyes, and a gargantuan toothy yellow grin. Now, my childhood buddy is like a mutated version of the Joker.  The fact that he remembers me does not help because I am the only thing he wants to kill right now.

Then something went over me.  Not a bird too large. Not Henry, he was right behind me. There is a large figure in that tree. If I didn't know any better, I'd have said say it was a bat, but it is too big though. Fear grips my heart as the creature looks at me with huge red eyes. The thing moved as the fog thickens. I hid behind a tree. 

"You haha can't hehe hide cackle from us hahahahahahahahaha," The Jokster said ," Wait your not nick hm we guess the jokes on us.  Isn't it mystery man."

 "Cobblepot come with me I can help you," the bat said.

 "Why would we want to do that when we are having so much fun hahahaahahhaahahah hahahahahahahahahahaa",the goblin thing said,"the man we were was boring so we killed him"

The bat-like figure attacked and eventually defeated him.  then he looked at me held up what looked like a hand and black out.